The Sabermetric Revolution: Assessing the Growth of Analytics in Baseball [Kindle Edition] Author: Benjamin Baumer | Language: English | ISBN:
B00HUNZT2O | Format: PDF, EPUB
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From the front office to the family room, sabermetrics has dramatically changed the way baseball players are assessed and valued by fans and managers alike. Rocketed to popularity by the 2003 bestseller Moneyball and the film of the same name, the use of sabermetrics to analyze player performance has appeared to be a David to the Goliath of systemically advantaged richer teams who could only be toppled by creative statistical analysis. The story has been so compelling that, over the past decade, team after team has integrated statistical analysis into their front offices. But how accurately can crunching numbers quantify a player's ability? Do sabermetrics truly level the playing field for financially disadvantaged teams? How much of the baseball analytic trend is fad and how much fact?
The Sabermetric Revolution sets the record straight on the role of analytics in baseball. Former Mets sabermetrician Benjamin Baumer and leading sports economist Andrew Zimbalist correct common misinterpretations and develop new methods to assess the effectiveness of sabermetrics on team performance. Tracing the growth of front office dependence on sabermetrics and the breadth of its use today, they explore how Major League Baseball and the field of sports analytics have changed in the decade since the 2002 season. Their conclusion is optimistic, but the authors also caution sabermetric insights will be more difficult to come by in the future. The Sabermetric Revolution offers more than a fascinating case study of the use of statistics by general managers and front office executives: for fans and fantasy leagues, this book will provide an accessible primer on the real math behind moneyball as well as new insight into the changing business of baseball.
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- File Size: 2307 KB
- Print Length: 240 pages
- Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press (December 31, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #27,808 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
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This could be a very long review because this very important book contains much to comment on. I will, however, let you read this book to fully grasp what it says. You will have a complete review of baseball statistical analysis from the creation of the box score, through the Dodgers early efforts in the 1950's, to early regression analysis and then the full blown Sabermetrics efforts of today. This book also does a great service in pointing out the errors Michael Lewis added to "Money Ball" the book and errors in the movie, that have bothered me since I first saw the movie. In fact, Lewis violated Bob Uecker's first rule of resumes, "Don't lie about your batting average, they'll look that up." by "altering fact."
Zimbalist and Baumer provide a guide for the reader who want to know what analytics is and what it does, and they go further by stating the limits as well. You will find, contrary to stats geeks, that scouting is in the ascendancy, as it should be.
What I found most enlightening is explanation of the distinction between statistical analysis and data analysis. This is because I think there is too much data out there and data science, through big data management, is the way to go and is the way the secrets locked in the data will be revealed. This is good news for Sabermetricians as their tools will be enhanced.
Simply stated, if you are a baseball person at whatever level, from fan to GM, this is the book for you. I think its impact will be significant and the game will be better understood because of it.
By Clark C. Griffith
This is a must-read for anyone interested in analyzing sports. After an entertaining first chapter deconstructing the various errors and omissions in Moneyball, to which the authors attribute the surge of interest in analytics both inside and outside the sports industry, the book proceeds to a very accessible summary of what is and isn't known about the subject. It clarifies the baseball GM's basic analytical problem--that the performance indicators of individual players that are most closely associated with team wins experience very little consistency from one year to the next, so that it is easy to explain a team's performance in a particular season but very difficult to make a reliable prediction of how it will do the next season. It then summarizes the much more rudimentary state of analytics in other sports and explains why this is the case. The book concludes with a path-breaking quantitative analysis of the success of baseball analytics in improving team performance. Highly recommended for serious sports fans.
By James W Wetzler
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